VN - Others - Completed - Takiyutaro's Livelihood [Final] [8°yml]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    A simple straightforward visual novel with no choices to be made. Reading all the text took between 1-2 hours. Seems to use stock sound effects and no voice acting.

    Incredible art by one of the best bara artists out there, 8°yml. The way he draws and renders faces, muscles, and cocks, are all incredible.

    The writing is cheesy and takes too long to set up the smut, but Yutaro's character is honestly overall enjoyable. Kind-hearted Muscle Asian guy with a cock over 25cm? Yes please.
    There are cringe lines in regards to how Yutaro's masculinity is written (such as "king of beasts") here and there, but they aren't too intrusive to the overall narrative.

    The other characters are mostly just there for Yutaro to have someone to interact with, and are all just sleezy douches in comparison to Yutaro being a kind-hearted simpleton. Hopefully he'll retain that character if there is any follow up on his story by 8°yml.