VN - Ren'Py - Superhuman [v0.99] [WeirdWorld]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    no one in particular

    Fuck the porn, this story is fucking good, unique world and author has left everything vague enough that its a true sandbox style storytelling and its damn cool, best worldbuilding here bar none, sure the artstyle is unique and leaves room for improvement but the plot is there, finally i am here truly for the plot and its good damn it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is sooo awesome. Really great stuff. Fighting, gaining more power, good or bad choices, sex with various fetisch. Your are busy for hours. The only thing, wich cloud be better is the mcs monster power. I often find the other powers much cooler. But i see that this power offers more kinky side action :). Keep up the awesome work. Every time i see an update, i will download it. Btw the battle in the hex dimension was epic.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Two-ish years ago when I frst played through this VN I would have probably given it a "4/5, has good potential" based off of the horror/body horror elements, the fetishes it catered to and the really neat story concept.

    This isn't quite the same game from when it started out though. I don't think there's a single category of quality that Superhuman hasn't massively improved upon over its lifespan. In my opinion, the story is worth reading on its own merits (something that not a lot of games on F95 can claim), a lot of the characters are compelling, and in particular the art got a significant glow-up. Not that I found the early update art particularly unappealing in the first place, especially for what the game is trying to be at that point.

    I do have some issues with some characters' designs having odd proportions and being kinda silly to look at *cough* Michael's head *cough*, but that's not nearly enough to take me out of it.

    Don't get me wrong, this game isn't the highest of arts, but god damn if it isn't a fun ride. And that alone puts it head and shoulders above most lewd games to me.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Ancient Lake

    Loved it!
    This is one of the best games this site has to offer, got me really hooked in the plot.
    Can't wait to find out what happens next!
    As for the art, it seems it is being updated gradually to a better look, as some of the later parts of the game have new looks for the characters, but still, the old art looks good too.
    Overall a great game, found myself more interested in the plot than the porn most of the time
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I dont usually write reviews on these games, but man this is a diamond. From the art style, good sex scenes , crazy amount of choices with diffrent outcomes and the STORY....its just WOW. I'm in my third playthrough(its a pretty long game but im a no lifer so its cool) and im still learning new things and it just keeps getting better.
    Overall its a great game i didnt expect to find letalone to play.
    5/5 i would definitely recommend
    Likes: GaRbS
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Controls: Either keyboard or mouse can do everything.
    Interface: A traditional Ren’py game, with a stat menu and gallery.
    Grind: I wouldn’t call it grind because the dialogue is different most of the time, but there is a small amount of needing to hit the “Train my power” button.
    Plot: Fantastic and original. Immediately hooks you in and never lets go.
    Characters: Diverse personalities with actual weaknesses.
    Typos: Rare in the beginning. Uncommon towards the end.
    Models: Most of the bodies are very similar, with a few on the petite side. Facial variety is there.
    Animations: N/A
    Semen Effects: Ridiculous amounts and paper white. My personal preference.
    Music: Incredibly thematic.
    Effects: Perfect.
    Voices: N/A.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is really good, especially since I love prototype game, and the game's story is just great and very broad in comparison to the porn game. There are many death endings, and they are actually fun, and the choices of leaving the character alive or killing him will see most of their results as you progress in the game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is the ultimate power fantasy, it's incredible how good it is, I unironically play it for the plot and the fight scenes, and the choices, my dude they are fucking amazing. Can't wait to see how it all finally wraps up!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Adding my own voice to the choir already singing this games praises feels redundant, yet here I am anyway's just that good.

    It is beyond rare for a game to so perfectly execute everything it wanted to, especially in indie development. If this game is at all aligned with your personal tastes, it will very quickly become one of your all time favourites.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Well... Again, I'm making a review while I haven't completely finished this. But I've played it for two days and it still has a lot to tell. It's a rarity when a GAME DEVELOPER uploads a large game on a pirating site by himself that doesn't suck.

    It's a very, very unique VN. It has good progression, moderate amount of sex, but THE ART STYLE is something new! It has a long story that, as I said, doesn't suck and really interesting to read, it's captivating and at some point it just gave me extreme Fate Stay//Night vibes that I think I can explain to myself. Didn't read a walkthrough, hope this won't bite me in the ass, because mostly if you make a mistake you'll be greated with the consequence soon enough.

    So, of course 5/5. Such unexpected gem.

    There's a con though: you can't fuck Deryl (in a woman form). At least in the first 10-20 hours.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a very well made experience. i came for the boobs, i stayed for the story. I got very invested and now i check every couple weeks to see if there is a new update. I would very much recommend, there's alot of content to get through and its all a fun time.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great VN. It has a Great story, great characters, and great world-building. Its only weakness is its graphics which are improving, but even with its current graphics, it is still one of the best VNs that I have ever played.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily the best VN on the site. The art is an acquired taste(hope you like monsters and monstrous tits), but the story, characters, and battles are well written overall. Good length so far despite it not being finished yet. The love interests and H scenes are varied enough, with Alice obviously being the best girl.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    5 stars overall!
    The art style is not amazing but is great.
    The story and the reading is good , enjoyable , fun , and to the point u wanna know more about every caracter in the game (at least for me).
    Is a long time i dont see a good VN like this and is a nice surprise.
    Really just give it a shot if u enjoy a nice story , nice plots and inmersive characters.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    + Ridiculously large tits and other body shapes...but it fits with this game of ridiculousness in many areas.

    + Funny!

    + Dark and disturbing...if you so choose.

    > Even with a walkthrough I made mistakes in trying to follow the walkthrough (yes, I'm lame if the walkthrough doesn't follow the game exactly).
    I still got a fun story, but from the preview screens on the F95zone page, I don't think I ever experienced 50% of those images/scenes. At least there is a skip button to play through again and try and find them.

    + I guess that is a possibility is that you could play through and never see many scenes gives some nice variety.

    "Fun" describes this VN/game.
    And there can be tentacle sex...with yourself...if you so choose. Nuff' said.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Shi Tsu

    Just play it.
    The art maybe not looking goods on the previews image but when you play the game you will ignore it, good story, well written characters,by far for now it the only game that i focus on story rather than h-scene and trust me it won't make u disappointed.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    An engaging, diverse, and expansive VN.

    I was pleasantly surprised with how wide not only the story was, but also the choices, both storywise and porn wise. Started a little discouraged with the samey jumbo boobed characters and ended up enjoying the story much more than I expected. You initially navigate the personal challenges of balancing responsibility and desire as a superhero, into later managing personal relations while increasing your strength and influence on a world facing the discovery and eminence of monsters and supermutants, largely deciding which faction to favour. Personally enjoyed the trap/femboy and monster sex, and it has more fetishes which are optional by choices(for example, mc can shapeshift female). Also, because its been in development for so long, you see the art style(sexual and non-sexual) continually improve.​

    If you won't be discouraged by the art-style and lengthy narrative, can definitely recommend as an interesting readthrough that is more than just erotica.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    For the pros, This game is one of the few games that I have actually read through. And i'd recommend others doing the same. The story isn't anything mind-blowing or anything. It's actually pretty cliche at times. But it's just a fun read-through. Almost like when you first start watching a new anime. The characters are all unique enough and the jokes land surprisingly often. Even the fight scenes are fun to read.

    As for the porn, I downloaded the game initially looking at all the different genres the porn it touches on. And I (mostly) wasn't disappointed. Are you in it for the trap/futa/genderbending or the straight-up vanilla scenes? the game has plenty of it. And the quality is mostly good assuming you are into the art style.

    Now on to the cons, The corruption path seems useless. You will still end up being a hero outside of one or two lines of dialogue here and there. It never gave me the feeling that I may have done something wrong or even morally grey. If you want to be a bad guy, that won't happen.

    If you want to get into the game for the NTR content, don't. Don't want to spoil anything but it feels like it is building up to something and then just reverses everything that happened. The characters and the story move on as if the route never happened. Imagine if at the end of the Romance route, the girl wants to stay just friends. That's more or less what happens here.

    EDIT: any criticism i have had was addressed in this update, sure you still might not like the dialogue or the art or any of your own reasons. But at least for me, this game is pretty much a masterpiece and the best-written porn game i've ever had the pleasure of playing.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best stories on F95, catchy to the point that I joined the discord channel to seek discussion about little details. The art of this game especially the early stage needs some getting used to, but once you know the characters they are so adorable you can't stop playing to find out what happened to them.

    Did a pure playthrough with limited corruption and I really felt like a hero. I am pretty satisfied with myself that I was never curious about what will happen if I chose to kill everyone. Great game that you must try, if you are interested in VN.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Superhuman is one of the rare games in here that you can remove the porn and the game will still be very much worth playing.

    The main premise of the story reminds me of symbiotes from marvel and i fucking love them, the characters all feel like humans with unique personalities even among the supporting cast no one feels like a device to move the plot along.

    The art style can be hit or miss personally i like it because it is unique, some early support character sprites are rough around the edges but they go away quickly and its easy to get used to the more polished ones.

    The soundtrack is also exceptional some track are eargasm worthy they give each character and event they are used a unique feel.

    Porn is the cherry on top, the rest of the game is so good that i dont care about it a bunch of different stuff exist and give the game extra points simply for being there.