
Jun 2, 2020
How do I download the patch? Clicking on it just opens a new tab with a bunch of text and when I save the file it's a text file not rpy.


Sep 10, 2017
Just some thoughts on the visuals, feel free to disagree or chime in of course I am not claiming final authority or holy law on judgements lol

The art is interesting in the first post previews. I think it suffers some from the artist too heavily using photo references (or possibly overpainting photos) instead of original posing as there's odd posing and mistakes that I think would only happen if they were doing so instead of completely original sketch to final in an original compositied scene by the artist. Having to "make do" with a photo or reference image that's close enough to what they want but then doesn't quite fit into their deisgn and layout of the setting and the required positioning to make it right and fit perfectly. Likewise what appears to be inconsistencies in character design.

For example the girl holding the book on the ladder. Her pose is off for balancing on a ladder (her off hand doesn't appear to even be on the ladder upright, just hovering or barley touching with finger tips?) and she appears to be just holding the book off to the side and away some, handing it to some invisible person in mid-air well away from the book case. She's not pulling or arcing the book towards herself as you would automatically in a smooth single mostion, and she's not putting the book in in the same manner. It's a weird and unnautral position that makes no sense. While I like the classic upwards view, her skirt is also so drawn short that no one would need for her to go up that ladder as apparently the hem line in that picture being above pussy level means everyone already saw the goods long before she went up there. Usually the idea of the upskirt view is you see something you can't see normally... Her feet are positioned oddly on the ladder rung too (one along lengthways or sideways of the rung? Who stands on a ladder rung with their foot turned outwards?) and standing on ladder rungs barefoot is possible, but not comfortable for sure as anyone who has gone up a wooden ladder in socks or barefoot will attest. Of course as the ladder is freestanding there's the obvious question of why wouldn't you put the ladder closer to the book in question? If the book was away then her oddly stiff and upright posture on the ladder would instead be more naturally leaning over, which might make her fit better into the scene if her pose did suit the moment more. I could photoshop her standing on the floor and the ladder out of the scene and it'd look almost the same.

The girl in the mirror is another one with various oddities about it. Just enough to throw it off and into that uncanny valley. Non matching between mirror and reality versions for pose and body. Maybe a story element to this though where the mirror world one isn't meant to match reality...The midriff and the crease at the hip has some weird things going on there too and the lighting on her body is 90% good but that 10% bad is throwing off the rest. Something not right about the lighting and shading I'd have to think about to pinpoint and describe. Some of her lip isn't colored red which at first glance made it look like she's biting her lip but then the rest of her mouth isn't positioned right for it so not sure what happened there. Attractive face design though.

The two of the orc girl I'm guessing are meant to be the same character yet the face changes significantly between the two, almost like the artist was using a porn reference in one or both and overpainting them with the orc design so had to just put up with the facial features not matching...ahem.

The fourth image the left hand appears to only be touching with the fingertips because of the shading and positioning. Could be intentional but if he's meant to be grabbing hold of that ass it sure doesn't look like it. The anvil is also shaded weirdly, I think.

I applaud the attempt at making/editing some art for a game rather than just right clicking your way through a quick search engine result and calling it a day like so many do (and then complain about other people "stealing" their work full of stolen art, lol!!).

Hopefully the game is good though. ;)


May 14, 2017
Is it just me or is it happening for everyone else? for some reason. I've got to double tap just to change text everytime


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 27, 2017
Thank you to all patrons who voted on the lingerie for Thea! Outfit number 3 came out on top as the chosen favorite! The latest update is now also available for Inquisitor tier's and above! and

4.30 star(s) 74 Votes