Unity - Completed - Ero-Gen [v1.2] [Sesalia]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Harem Route

    If I was asked to describe this game with one word it would be - slow.
    This game is so... painfully... slow...

    In every single animation you're stuck waiting for the game to let you skip to the next one. In the management gameplay you're LITERALLY stuck looking at timers. You click to brew - wait for 10 sec doing absolutely nothing. You run out of energy? Time to wait for a 100 seconds (that's not a hyperbole, it's literally 1 energy per second) until it refills.

    This game is only there to waste your time. And for what? To watch a few basic Honey Select animations with generic looking characters?

    No thanks. Hard pass.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I was following the progress of this game from the first chapter and now that is finished I have to say:

    It incorporates difrent gameplay styles (turnbase combat, management, sidescrolling with simple puzzles) so it is refreshing.

    Visuals and Art:
    Greate Art and visuals.

    I wasn't following all the story (I prefer voice overs than reading). But the part of story I was following it made me want to read more.

    Perfect for me.

    I did find no bugs. The only problem was that the h-scenes in the last platforming part were to dark.

    Public vs Paid:
    The whole game is split to three main choices. When ever a new character is introduced you have to choose one of a pair. So you can choose 3 from 6 characters. The only "paid" part is that one of the two characters was always selectable if you are a supporter. That is great because you can experience the whole game. It is a plus that devs gave away the gold edition after 2 months of final release. All in all a great balance between free and paid.

    It is a great game I want to support devs to the sequel witch is in development.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    People have lost their minds with the rating of this game. This is one of best, if not best porn game I've played on this site, even without the other 3 characters.

    Great animated scenes, pretty hot world setting, also to the guy complaining that he didn't like the amount of scenes in the battles, It's a porn game man, we should be playing with one hand, not for the absolute tightness of the gameplay. I'm pretty pleased to actually have well animated scenes to jack off to.

    Even the platforming sections were passable. I actually enjoyed some of the puzzles, and the porn scenes were perfect payoffs.

    My only real criticism of the game is the third manor management segment which is a lot more difficult than it needs to be, as indicated for the reason listed above; it's a porn game. A little challenge is fine, but that third segment is too difficult. The actual prostitution should be worth more. I honestly hope the author patches that before he does the full open release, so I can actually enjoy that part of the game.

    5/5 for a small production porn game. Fantastic.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    You know what level of quality the story will be after the first 10 seconds.
    I kid you not it goes (spoilers for the literal first 10 seconds...):
    - this is a magic school...
    - we are 2 girl friends that finished exams and are naked together in the bath
    - cunnilingus time....
    - instantanious cut to both girls in room

    No dialog, no build up, no character definition, just pure lazy, amateurish work.
    I get trying out stuff and learning, but please read atleast 1 book before you try writing a story.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    I can't recommend you this game.
    1st. - I hate Unity games, as 99,999999999....% of them are complete trash. Although, there are a couple of exceptions, so I can't say it's 100% of Unity games.
    Why's that? I guess, unity allows for fast games creation, and thus only lazy devs use it.

    2nd. - this game is separated into 3 completely different parts: 1 boring management simulator for about 15 minutes. 1 boring visual novel with bugged-out platforming at the end. And 1 boring visual novel without porn.

    All 3 parts have something in common:
    -they last ~15 minutes.
    -they are boring.
    -you can't skip scenes and text before the game allows you to. So you will always wait for another 5-10 seconds after slow reading and observations before advancing the story. (or, in short, they are slow)

    For aforementioned reasons I can't recommend you this game. Play something more enjoyable and less time-consuming.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Terrible script and dialogue, the most boring I've seen in erotic games. The characters are slick like mods for The Sims 4. It can be seen that the game was made by a girl, too often the author succumbed to his desires without focusing on the plot explanation. Scene shots want to show the beauty of the poses rather than convey feelings. The quality is mediocre.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    I think the description (and reviews!) could've made it clearer that there's no interaction here, not even camera controls. It's just an animated VN with far less gameplay than the Illusion Studio it was ripped from. It looks like the creator enjoyed himself making it, but could've left his enjoyment wadded in a kleenex.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 37956

    I really like this game mostly because of the story.

    The story is coherent and makes sense in some weird way. It's loosely inspired by the Witcher universe but doesn't take itself seriously at all. The game is highly polished and fairly refreshing compared to most other hgames. The transitions to sex scenes don't make any sense lol and the sex scenes can be disconnected to the story tone, but I reckon that's because the scenes are based off Honey Select, and also for comedic effect as well. The dance is also fun. If you go straight to gallery mode then this game has no value, but overall it's a very pleasant experience.

    As far as I know the content locked behind the paywall is just the same scenes/stories with different girls so you don't really miss out much.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is literally designed to waste your time. There isn't much good content and the overall mechanics flat out suck. The story is pretty much non-existent and consists of a bunch of incoherent scenarios that are simply strung together.

    Not sure what they were going for with this one but it is neither enjoyable nor arousing.
  10. 4.00 star(s)



    The story is very enjoyable, if the economy was better I would support the project without any problems. The stories are very good and the adult content is very very good.

    I noticed the change from the beginning of more developed stories to more adult content and I understand that change. For me it's a very good change and it makes the beginning more enjoyable.

    Congratulations to the team, sometime I will pay the Patron to support you and unlock the content. Thanks a lot to the developers.

    My sincere congratulations.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    So let's talk about this game:

    It starts with me chosing one of two girls, however the ginger one is locked behind paywall. Great start. Right after that i was presented with two lesbian scenes in the first fucking minute, which was probably the most pleasant moment of the game. Sadly nothing good is bound to last and after the first story sequence comes the gameplay.

    Combat looks pretty and i felt optimistic about the magic system. However player is bound to fail and you won't see it for the next... i don't know how many minutes, didn't reach it again in the next +- 20 mins.

    Next - Bar minigame. From now i can't refer to this as a gameplay, it's more like gamesuffering. So freaking slow and when i tried to minimalize the game until energy restores the timer froze, so i couldn't dodge the waiting (btw 100 seconds to full energy, great idea for such long timer in a porn game!). And after i finally beat it i was transported into some weird cutscene about something absolutely different. So my reward for grinding this abomination is unrelated story and arcade style jumping minigame. And also another paywall for the golden hair neko girl, also known as the reason i initially downloaded this game. After few mins i just gave up, i just couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel, more like demons waiting to gangrape me along the way.

    This review is probably way too agressive but i just can't any positives and if i for some reason wanted to talk to my friends about porn games i would tell them to stay as far as they can from this project. However we don't discuss them so i write this for YOU, random reader.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Slowest game on this site.

    Everything is SLOOOOOOW. The VN part? SLOOOOW. The mansion whatever crap? SLOOOOOOOOW. The platformer movement? SLOOOOOOOOOOOOW. The platformer animations at enemies encounters?

    You guessed it, they're SLOOOOOOOOW.

    I don't have time or patience for this. You can find much better Honey Select rips on here.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: Give this one a pass...

    It's a bunch of animations and models from Illusion's Honey Select-games made into a game of it's own. Not a unique concept by any means, but it's fairly rare to see a dev work in unity in this format, and thus be able to lift the in-engine backdrops and animations as well. It all looks very good, and hardly cut-up at all, at least during the story-beats.

    ...But just showing a bunch of animations you stole/made with the tools from another game isn't sexy. You miss out on the most important part of the Honey Select-games themselves, which was giving you the freedom of pacing your own scenes. This just throws a bunch of very loosely connected animations at you with a "next" button, in the most monotone, un-sexy way possible, which undercuts the quality of the visuals. Especially when you have to bend the story and setting to fit with the limitations of the available animations.

    There is some gameplay as well, though, it's more accurate to say there are multiple games here. The beginning has a mage-combat sequence that seems to be minimally utilised, while being the most interesting of the systems. Then it jumps to the "main"-gameplay portion, which is an unsexily structured mobilegame-style pod-based management-game. It's paced to be aggravating, and doesn't have the basic functionality of speeding up game-speed or queing commands. It's just bad. Then it jumps to a side-scrolling section, which will apparrently be followed by a dancing-minigame at some point... So more nice, canned animations.

    All devs start somewhere, and this is totally understandable as someone's first big project, using tools that are accessible and don't require working with other talent's like artists.
    However, the creator is asking money for this, which is exactly the kind of legal grey area that can draw "corporate" attention if the game ever made some actual money. Which is obviously not happening.

    I'm not bashing Illusion-rips as a whole. I just think there's a fine line in how much originality you need to add to your game in order for it to be okay, and this game is dancing on it.
    Even if there are good ideas here like the spell-battle system, there is just more bad execution. This is more a learning-project than a serious game.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    I really want to like this game but it feels like 4 different games mixed together, with little - decent story/content for each individual part albeit decent - good quality.

    First you have an unwinnable fight with a good system if there was more than just this one unwinnable encounter.
    Then some 2D management part with way too much waiting time. Like really remove the waiting time completely/reduce to few seconds each. Staring at that same animation for minutes to brew some drinks is just no fun (even though actually having to manage the drinks is not bad, waiting for multiple seconds each time is) and that is still good compared to that one wooden horse ( triangle) animation just playing for 2 minutes AFTER WHICH YOU HAVE TO WAIT AGAIN just sitting in the cage because of course you are now at 0 energy. You have no dialogue or story in this part, its only 1 animation and thats half a second on loop, and effectively 2 sprites you stare at (bar/cage) for minutes. And all this takes forever.

    Then suddenly there is a VN part which has all the story without actually telling you wtf is going on and is obnoxious to play, you cant fast forward the text like in every other VN, having to wait for the continue button to appear with a black frame playing *every * single * time*. Then you have to watch some animations from multiple different angles, which again wouldnt be bad if you could actually control the progress speed.

    And then it turns into a plattformer? The platformer actually feels like the smoothest part of the game because there is no mobile game like waiting times but it comes so relatively late that I really have to ask why you didnt just chose 2 or 3 genres or make a different game?
    Content wise the platformer part clearly is the core, while story wise its the VN. Thats basic and works well. Having one special part like the manor to spice things up isnt a bad idea but it should only come after the platformer and without the waiting times.
    So whats the point of the turn based combat? Especially when you dont even fight in the platformer and lose?

    This has the potential to be really good but it feels like the parts I dislike are intentional. In fact just when I gave this game another try and came to think "hey this isnt bad" during the platformer its suddenly "over" and honestly Im not looking forward to waiting month just to "play" the manor/VN parts. If those were smoother I would probably even support it on patreon
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    the gameplay is a bit strange at first. The platformer is clunky but that is not what you are here for cause this game its loaded with animations from start to finish. Really like what I have seen so far. Way to go!!!!!!! I give it 4.5/5.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    game looks good but... you hate to see it. another money milker. demo is extremely short. everything is about being member of patreon. money money money. idk when devs gonna understand being moneyhungry is a big and serious prob when it comes to show off the games they develop. TRASH
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    I played the android app and I can't recommend it. It wants access to your files, which it probably needs for saves in a second location, not that weird. It also requests access to your location and camera, "even when I am not using the app" according to the notification I got from my phone. Kind of strange, maybe just forgot to turn those off.

    I hated the starting menu already. You have 3 points in the menu, why put the on the pages you need to switch between? Also, you go through all of them only to find there is no settings. No huge deal, you can turn the volume down on your device, sure, but it's annoying.

    Next, you HAVE to play through an intro which has to be over 10 minutes long, with 2 minutes tops reading dialogue and the rest of the time watching a minimum of 5 seconds of tentacle fuck animation loops, with multiple angles, each of them you have to watch for 5 seconds at least before you can continue. I understand that there went a bunch of work into that intro but honestly, I came to play a game and not watch a movie of background story that could have been summerized in a text with and maybe a couple animations.

    I didn't even get past the intro because the combination of thinks that kinda irk me was enough for me to say fk it and just uninstall.
    Don't think I ever played a game that managed to piss me off like this and make me not want to try the actual gameplay.

    That aside, the animations were pretty good, the writing was bearable. I can't tell you anything about the gameplay, maybe it is good.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm really torn on this one... On one hand, the girls are gorgeous, graphics and animations are great and sex scenes are well done; on the other hand, I feel like the gameplay is completely messing the game:
    - the fight scenes where you have to "research" magic and play shifumi is a pointless mess; with the addition of buffs/debuffs and the clic-at-the-right-time minigame, it's just a fucking nightmare. And it doesn't add any value to the game. Could have just been a HP/MP/Attack/Defense minigame, why spend so much time to create such a confusing gameplay?

    - the bar/alchemy work is ok at first, then it's just embarrassing: take water, make X beers, use beers to do potion A, use potion A and beer to do potion B... Once again, what's the point of it? Moreover, I can't enjoy the prostitution or punition scenes (which I like!) because I'm brewing beer and collecting flowers at the same time.

    - the punition/whoring scenes don't need any input. So the adult part of the game is just left behind, but I have to learn all the magic combos?

    - the platform game for the second character is... well, it's not good. Animations aren't great and it feels like a really cheap The Lost Vikings reboot-y.

    - as other mentioned, you have to get you ass kicked several times to advance. It's a common mechanism is some Japanese games, and I must say I hate it, because it's completely unintuitive.

    But it's not all bad, and I must repeat, the sex scenes are worth it. I absolutely love being enslaved and used by a brigand! I love the animations of the three naked girls in the tavern and whorehouse.

    It's supposed to be an adult game, entertaining and sexy, it doesn't need overcomplicated (and wobbly) magic system, it doesn't need a messy platform minigame. Even if it they were more refined, nobody's gonna say: "hey, have you played Ero-Gen? Lots of great mini-games!". If people are gonna remember this game, it's for it's girls, sexy scenes and eventually dialogues.

    May Slaanesh guide the dev to the right path, so I can faint from overcuming.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Mister Wake

    Going to keep an eye on this game! Very enjoyable experience! The 3D models and animations are extremely sexy, the unique gameplay on a limited engine is impressive for what it does and hopefully more to be added after this review! I hope more enjoy this game as I did.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Might be okay if the animations for combat where not the slowest things in the world. Mind you it is turn based so the difficulty this imposes is testing your patience. Of all the attacks only 4 are worth using. Takes roughly 20 minutes to beat the enemy due to animation speed. Game should be roughly 5 to 10 minutes long. The sexual scenes that are in video format are okay. These are ones from combat though. The ones for the working as a slave section are meh and hard to see as they are really zoomed out. Highlight of the game is how goofy animations are but that only stays funny for a minute or two. Overall if it was not clear from the above text don't bother downloading it at least in its current state.